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Educational Applied Research Division

Ryo Maie

Senior Lecturerer,Graduate School of International Cultural Studies
My research involves investigating the underlying cognitive mechanisms of second or foreign language learning and how knowlwedge about the mechanisms can be applied to classroom instruction. 

Research and Education Strategy Division

Chunlin LIU

Cognitive Neuroscience Application Center, Tohoku Univ. Researcher
Exploring communication between humans and AI
How can AI assist in language acquisition and foster emotional connections?

Research and Education Strategy Division


Assistant Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Canser

Engineering Applied Research Division

Yumi Hamamoto

Assistant Professor,Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences / Research Institute of Electrical Communication
How do we perceive “self-image”?
We naturally perceive and evaluate ourselves, however, it is not always accurate.
For example, people with anorexia tend to think they are overweight even though they are underweight.
My aim is to uncover perception and recognition mechanisms related to "self-image" and "body-image" through psychophysical and fMRI studies.

Engineering Applied Research Division

Nobuyuki Sakai

Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters 

Engineering Applied Research Division


Professor,Tohoku Institute of Technology
Reduce human disappointment.
Lab-HP (external website) / researchmap
In human society, there are various types of 'disappointments'. For instance, lamentable systems that cause human errors, and unfortunate communications that lead relationships in undesirable directions. Utilizing neuroimaging, we aim to clarify the mechanisms behind these disappointing circumstances and strive to reduce disappointment in human society.

Engineering Applied Research Division

Ayumi Takemoto

Assistant Prof., IDAC, Dept. Human Brain Science,
Leading Researcher, Riga Stradins University

"Reading the room" in Cognitive Science


We have the ability to read the room. I.e., we can subconsciously recognize a person in a bad mood in our daily conversations.
I am interested in the mechanisms of how we catch signals and process them to read the room from the multidimensional perspective as cognitive science, psychology, and computer science.


Social Applied Research Division


Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management
Through data analytics, I am exploring methods to utilize individual characteristics and values to solve social problems.

Engineering Applied Research Division


Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering
Leveraging and Enhancing Human Contributions
The safe and continuous functioning of complex systems that support our society such as aviation, railways, electricity, and healthcare, is ensured by the contributions of operator personnel. By revealing and empowering the roles and capabilities of humans lying behind “nothing happened today” or “things went well”, we aim to realize safer systems and society.

Research and Education Strategy Division

Azumi Tanabe

Assistant Professor, Institute of Development, International Research Institute of Disaster and Sciences
Psychology of visual behaviours
I am interested in memory of natural scenes and objects.
Recently I started a fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) research.
I hope to study "memory of vision" which includes not only perceptual features (e.g. shapes, colours, spatial arrays and so on) but also cognitive information (semantics and so on).

Social Applied Research Division


Associate Professor,Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine
Perinatal Mental Health × Neuroscience
Bonding (the emotional bond from parent to child) and parent-child interactions are formed by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and sociological factors. The mechanisms, including gender differences, are not yet clearly understood. We will explore the neurological bases related to parental emotions and cognition in the early postpartum period and the formation process of bonding, and aim to generate evidence that leads to family well-being.

Social Applied Research Division

Sachiko Kiyama

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters 

Social Applied Research Division


Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters
researchmap, Labo's Website
I educate chaplains, and my speciality is spiritual care, religious care, and grief care. The stress-reducing effect of listening to sutras has been proven, but the mechanism needs to be elucidated.

Social Applied Research Division


Computational Social Science

Social Applied Research Division


Tohoku University Archives Professor
Center for Integrated Japanese Studies Vice Director

Social Applied Research Division

MOTEGI Kennosuke

Thinking about human from the perspective of ‘non-human/post-human beings’.

Social Applied Research Division

Keisuke Wakusawa

Director, Department of Developmental Neuropsychiatry, Miyagi Children’s Hospital

Social Applied Research Division

Takuya Sasaki

We are interested in default mode in the brain

Social Applied Research Division

Kouetsu Ogasawara

Professor, Dept. of Immunobiology, IDAC
As you know, "Illness comes from the mind," there is a correlation between the movement of the human mind and the immune function. We will promote research from this perspective.


Social Applied Research Division

Keishi Soga

Smart Aging Research Center
Stay Acitve, Stay Smart

Educational Applied Research Division


Assistant Professor,Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer

Social Applied Research Division


  Sciences/ Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Well-being through goal achievement support tailored to diverse personalities. And
communities for wellbeing with a focus on children, women, and the elderly

The objective of our laboratory is to develop effective techniques for personalized support that encourage behavioral change and promote brain plasticity in individuals pursuing their goals. This includes acquiring new skills, mastering learning, and maintaining healthy behaviors. Our plan is to establish predictive models that can visualize and characterize diverse individuals based on brain structural differences and biological information. These models will be constructed using machine learning and deep learning on multimodal images obtained from functional brain imaging, such as MRI. Our objective is to apply biometric information, IoT technology, and behavioral economics theory to create an optimization-goal achievement support system.Furthermore, it pursues building a community that promotes the well-being of children, women, and the elderly in an aging society with a declining birthrate. Our goal is to establish a "WELL Community," a community where individuals who believe in the importance of looking after children can come together to learn and support one another in achieving a state of well-being that encompasses mental and physical health, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment.  

Social Applied Research Division

Atsushi Akiike

My research aims to demonstrate the effects of product appearance and form on consumers or firms in terms of cognitive neuroscience.

Research and Education Strategy Division

Akiko Sato

Associate Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Engineering Applied Research Division

Emi Yuda

Mie University Innovation Center for Semiconductor and Digital FutureiICSDF) /@School of Engineering, Professor
Deciphering messages conveyed by bio-signals: Cryptanalysis 

Heart rate variability analysis, autonomic interpretation, and biological fluctuation research, we will gain an early understanding of the signs emitted by the body, decipher information on health and pathological conditions, and clarify the meaning of individual bio-signals. Extracting information on the activity of the cardiac autonomic nervous system (ANS), which communicates with the brain, it is useful for early screening of stress responses and diseases.

Educational Applied Research Division


Associate Professor,Graduate school of Education
Bridging Subjectivity and Objectivity to Explore an Old yet New Way of Learning
When we acquire a skill or gain an insight, if it proves valuable, we naturally wish to share the method with others so they too can put it into practice. This is perhaps the most fundamental model of teaching and learning. If the skill is swimming, for example, both teacher and learner can demonstrate their technique to each other to confirm it is being performed correctly. But what if the subject is something internal and invisible, like "thinking" or "concentration"? How then can we verify the skill has been acquired? To address this challenge, we seek to connect subjective descriptions using language and physical expressions with objective measurements such as brain activity. Our goal is to discover learning methods that are easy for the practitioner to implement and for others to understand.

Educational Applied Research Division

Yousuke Kawachi

Associate Professor
Exploring the function and mechanism of the mind through "seeing."


Social Applied Research Division

Taizen Nakase

Associate Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Research and Education Strategy Division

Saku Hara

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters 

Educational Applied Research Division

Susumu Yokota

Graduate School of Education, Associate Professor
Develpmental Disorder × Neuroscience

Social Applied Research Division

Masatoshi KOIZUMI

Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters
"Universal Design in Language Use"
Without any special disabilities, all humans learn to freely use language within a few years after birth. This is because our brains are naturally equipped with mechanisms for acquiring and using language from the moment we are born. I am studying this fascinating brain function that allows us to speak and understand speech. What constitutes clear and understandable language expressions for the human brain? What kind of language expressions are easy to use for everyone, including adult native speakers, children, the elderly, foreign language learners, individuals with autism, and aphasia patients? In other words, I am aiming to uncover the principles of universal design in language use.

Engineering Applied Research Division

Noriyasu Homma

Professor, School of Medicine

Social Applied Research Division

Hiroaki Tomita

Professor, School of Medicine

I would like to understand what happens in the brain and body when people fall into a mental disorder or recover from the condition from multiple perspectives, including brain imaging research, and use the knowledge to help improve mental health.

Research and Education Strategy Division

Yasuyuki Taki

Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Research and Education Strategy Division

Ryuta Kawashima

Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Educational Applied Research Division


Professor,  Graduate School of Education

I am a researcher in cognitive developmental robotics.  My research interest includes developmental disorders (ASD, LD, etc.) and robotic applications for their therapy.

Engineering Applied Research Division


Professor, Department of Management Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering,Tohoku University

How can diverse human and machine systems (AI) cooperate? My research focuses on the keyword "mutual adaptation between humans and machines".

Social Applied Research Division

Yasuhiro Sato

Senior Lecturer, Tohoku University Hospital
Dept Psychosomatic Medicine
Miyagi Prefectural Support Base Hospital for Eating Disorders.
Clinical practice and neuroimaging investigation of eating disorder patioents.

Engineering Applied Research Division


Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Semiconductor neural engineering is a discipline that uses semiconductor process/device/circuit technologies to further understand the properties of neural systems and to create novel fusion systems of living bodies and machines. I am interested in how artificial vision affects the brain.
Lab website:

Social Applied Research Division

Tsuneyuki ABE

Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters
Astronomy is the science of space. Geology is the science of the earth. Similarly, psychology is one of the sciences of human nature.
In contrast to brain science, which focuses on the structure of the hardware (brain), psychology is a science that focuses on the applications that run on the hardware. I hope that they will develop in a complementary manner.

Research and Education Strategy Division


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer / International Institute of Disaster Sciences, Professor
Know your brain. Make the world better.
How is the ‘human’ mind, behavior, and society realized in the brain? We are developing "human brain science" to unravel its secret. Utilizing function neuroimaging, physiological and behavioral measurements, and social surveys, we aim to become a "hub" that connects all disciplines related to humanity from basic to applied.