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Research and Education Strategy Division


Research and Education Strategy Division

Chunlin LIU

Cognitive Neuroscience Application Center, Tohoku Univ. Researcher
Exploring communication between humans and AI
How can AI assist in language acquisition and foster emotional connections?

Research and Education Strategy Division


Assistant Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Canser

Research and Education Strategy Division

Azumi Tanabe

Assistant Professor, Institute of Development, International Research Institute of Disaster and Sciences
Psychology of visual behaviours
I am interested in memory of natural scenes and objects.
Recently I started a fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) research.
I hope to study "memory of vision" which includes not only perceptual features (e.g. shapes, colours, spatial arrays and so on) but also cognitive information (semantics and so on).

Research and Education Strategy Division

Akiko Sato

Associate Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Research and Education Strategy Division

Saku Hara

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters 

Research and Education Strategy Division

Yasuyuki Taki

Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Research and Education Strategy Division

Ryuta Kawashima

Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Research and Education Strategy Division


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer / International Institute of Disaster Sciences, Professor
Know your brain. Make the world better.
How is the ‘human’ mind, behavior, and society realized in the brain? We are developing "human brain science" to unravel its secret. Utilizing function neuroimaging, physiological and behavioral measurements, and social surveys, we aim to become a "hub" that connects all disciplines related to humanity from basic to applied.