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202501.15 Future Human Resource Development Studies: Experiences, Actions, and Stories (Symposium) Posted in Event

The information society, including internationalization and advances in AI, changes in social thought, and changes in regional, social, and business environments, have made it increasingly unclear what human resources skills will be required in the future and how they will be developed.
Various keywords such as “thinking for oneself,” “comprehensive knowledge,” and “breaking down vertical divisions” are being bandied about as required abilities, but there are no concrete definitions or evaluation methods.
Furthermore, while there are empirical proposals on how to cultivate these skills, such as the importance of “experience,” “action,” and “stories,” there is little scientific verification of such proposals.
This symposium aims to scientifically define the human resource abilities required in future society and how to develop them from a multifaceted approach (social, psychological, cognitive, and brain), and to construct a new fusion academic field to realize their development through education, social design, and product creation (education, economics, law, and engineering). (Sugiura)

Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Time: 10:30 a.m.〜
Method: Online method (ZOOM)
If you wish to attend, please contact the CogNAC Office (cognac-office*; *→@)

10:30 Opening
10:35 「fMRIの基礎と生きる力」杉浦元亮(加齢医学研究科)
10:55 「アントレプレナーシップ教育を用いた学生の意識改革戦略」松下ステファン悠(工学研究科)
11:25 「問題解決&思考モードの脳科学的な検証へ向けて」石垣司(経済学研究科)
11:45 Break
11:50 「リアルな体験がもたらす意識・行動の変容」榊浩平(応用認知神経科学センター)
12:10 「認知神経科学的/健康介入と人材育成」 松崎泰(加齢医学研究科)
12:30 総合討論
