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202501.06 Default Mode Network and Self and Free Will (Symposium) Posted in Event

 In the human brain, a group of brain regions that are active when the brain is at rest (awake but doing nothing) is known as the “default mode network” (a similar network is also known in rodents).
In today's society, productivity and efficiency are prioritized, and people spend more and more time in contact with information terminals such as smartphones, and the default mode mental state tends to be eliminated from our lives.
However, it has been assumed in the humanities since ancient times that such a state of mind has an important meaning in life. Neuroscience also knows that brain activity in the default mode is associated with various health and thinking, such as depression and creativity.
We held a symposium with the aim of constructing a new fusion academic field that scientifically explains the meaning of the default mode through a multifaceted approach (social, psychological, cognitive, and brain) and its reconstruction in society through education, social design, and product creation (education, economy, law, and engineering). (Sugiura)

Date: Monday, January 6, 2025
Time: 15:30-18:00
Place: Smart Aging Bldg. 3F, Graduate School of Aging and Cancer
Method: Hybrid (face-to-face + ZOOM)


15:05 「ヒトDMNの謎と高次脳機能」杉浦 元亮(加齢医学研究科)
15:30 「「デフォルトモード物語」の可能性」茂木 謙之介(文学研究科)
15:50 「デフォルトモード脳の神経メカニズムと意義の考察」佐々木 拓哉(薬学研究科)

16:10 break

16:20 「経文聴取(読経)の効果、検証中」谷山 洋三(文学研究科)
16:50 「瞑想実践の主観的記述と客観的脳活動データを結びつける」中島 平(教育学研究科)
17:10 「インターネット依存と脳の関係」榊 浩平(応用認知神経科学センター)

17:30 break

17:40 「加工した自撮り画像は自己なのか?」濱本 裕美(学際科学フロンティア研究所)
18:00 「人らしい人工知能実現に向けた 長期記憶力実装の検討」山田 和範(未踏スケールデータアナリティクスセンター)

18:30 Closing
